Improved Reflectivity and Ambient Lighting
The reflective properties of a polished concrete floor maximize lighting in facilities. Improved ambient lighting reduces the cost of energy bills, increases safety, and casts your facility in the best possible light.
Increased Slip Resistance
Polished concrete, though shiny on the surface, does not create a slippery floor. In fact, the benefits of mechanically grinding and flattening the floor ultimately increase the coefficient of friction when compared to ordinary concrete. Polished concrete often exceeds OSHA standards for floors (ASTM C 1028).
Reduced Maintenance
Most floor systems, including tile and linoleum, require aggressive scrubbing to maintain a sanitary environment and clean appearance. Polished concrete surfaces are tightly compacted to reduce the development of stains. At the same time, they do not require any waxing or stripping treatments to maintain their sheen.
Cost-Effective Flooring
Polished concrete delivers ROI by significantly reducing energy and maintenance costs through reflectivity that improves ambient lighting, reduction in upkeep (such as waxing), and reduced tire wear for specialized applications.
LEED Friendly
Polished concrete not only utilizes existing concrete surfaces to eliminate the need for additional materials such as coverings/coatings and move toward sustainable building; it also typically contains no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making it friendly for any U.S. Green Building Council LEED project.
Improved Condition for Old Floors (Mechanical Polish Only)
As concrete ages, surface stress, delamination, curled cold joints, and other problems can arise. Mechanically grinding the floor removes the top surface of the old concrete and polishing then strengthens it, increasing its impact and abrasion resistance.
Reduced Tire Wear (Mechanical Polish)
The rough, uneven texture of natural concrete causes tires to abrade, increasing wear and tear over time. A polished concrete floor system levels the joints and makes the entire surface smooth, preventing abrasion.
No Production/Plant Shutdowns (Mechanical Polish)
Dry-mechanically polished concrete can be put into service immediately after the process is complete. Due to the cleanliness of the process and the lack of toxic or hazardous chemicals, floors can often be commissioned as soon as the project is completed.